Some of the research programmes:
Name of the College: Botanical Survey of India
Address of the College: Southern Circle, T.N.A.U Campas, Lawley Road, Coimbatore - 641 003 Tamil Nadu
Type of Institution: Research Institution
Courses Offered: Doctorate Programmes - Ph.D. (Botany - Plant Biology & Bio-Technology)
Name of the College: Central Institute for Cotton Research
Address of the College: Maruthamalai Road, Lawly Road (PO) Coimbatore - 641 003 Tamil Nadu
Phone(s): 0422-2430045/2439839 Fax(s):0422-2454021
EMail: Website:
Year of Establishment: 1967
Type of Institution: Research Institution
Courses Offered: Doctorate Programmes
Ph.D. (Botany - Plant Biology & Bio-Technology)
Ph.D. (Chemistry)
Ph.D. (Zoology - Animal Science & Bio-Technology)
Research Programmes
M.Phil. (Botany - Plant Biology & Bio-Technology)
M.Phil. (Chemistry)
M.Phil. (Zoology - Animal Science & Bio-Technology)
Name of the College: N.T.C. Staff College
Address of the College: Coimbatore - 641 004 Tamil Nadu
Type of Institution: Research Institution
Courses Offered: Doctorate Programmes
Ph.D. (Finance and Accounts)
Ph.D. (General Management and Organisational Bahaviour)
Ph.D. (Industrial / Social Psychology)
Name of the College: Pasteur Institute of India
Address of the College: Coonoor - 643 103 , Nilgiri Dist , Tamil Nadu
Type of Institution: Research Institution
Courses Offered: Doctorate Programmes - Ph.D. (Microbiology)
Name of the College: Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History
Address of the College: Anaikatty P.O. Coimbatore - 641 108 Tamil Nadu
Phone(s): 0422-2657101-105 Fax(s): 0422 - 2657088
EMail: Website:
Year of Establishment: 1990
Type of Institution: Research Institution
Courses Offered: Doctorate Programmes
Ph.D. (Botany - Plant Biology & Bio-Technology)
Ph.D. (Environmental Science)
Ph.D. (Zoology - Animal Science & Bio-Technology)
Name of the College: Solid State Physics Laboratory (SSPL).
Address of the College: Defence R & D Organization , Lucknow Road, Timarpur, Delhi - 110 054
Type of Institution: Research Institution
Courses Offered: Doctorate Programmes
Ph.D. (Physics)
Research Programmes
M.Phil. (Physics)
Name of the College: Southern India Textile Research Association ( S.I.T.R.A)
Address of the College: Coimbatore Aerodrome (PO) Coimbatore - 641 014 Tamil Nadu
Type of Institution: Research Institution
Courses Offered: Doctorate Programmes
Ph.D. (Industrial / Social Psychology)
Ph.D. (Textile Chemistry)
Ph.D. (Textile Physics)
Ph.D. (Textile Technology)
Name of the College: Sugarcane Breeding Institute
Address of the College: Indian Council of Agricultural Research , Coimbatore - 641 007, Tamil Nadu
Phone(s): 0422-2472986, 2476261 Fax(s): 0422-2472923
EMail: Website:
Year of Establishment: 1912
Type of Institution: Research Institution
Courses Offered: Doctorate Programmes
Ph.D. (Botany - Plant Biology & Bio-Technology)
Ph.D. (Chemistry)
Ph.D. (Entomology)
Ph.D. (Statistics)
Ph.D. (Zoology - Animal Science & Bio-Technology)
Name of the College: T.Stanes and Company Limited
Address of the College: 8/23-24, Race Course Road, P.O Box No.2709 , Coimbatore - 641 018 , Tamil Nadu
Phone(s): 0422-2221514, 2223515-518 Fax(s): 0422-2220432, 2220857
EMail: Website:
Year of Establishment: 1910
Type of Institution: Research Institution
Courses Offered: Doctorate Programmes
Ph.D. (Plant Science)
Research Programmes
M.Phil. (Plant Science)
Name of the College: United Planter's Association of Southern India, (UPASI Tea Research Inst)
Address of the College: Nirar Dam BPO , Vallparai - 642 127 , Pollachi Taluk , Coimbatore Dist, Tamil Nadu
Phone(s): 04253-235301, 235303 Fax(s): 04253-235302
Year of Establishment: 1926
Type of Institution: Research Institution
Courses Offered: Doctorate Programmes
Ph.D. (Chemical Technology (Tea))
Ph.D. (Entomology)
Ph.D. (Plant Chemistry)
Ph.D. (Plant Genetics)
Ph.D. (Plant Pathology)
Ph.D. (Plant Physiology)
Name of the College: Centre for Research in Social Sciences, Technology & Culture
Address of the College: Kalaikathir Buildings,963,Avanashi Road,Coimbatore - 641 037,Tamil Nadu
Phone(s): 0422-2215454-55, 2214011 Fax(s): 0422-2210187, 2591865
EMail: Website:
Year of Establishment: 1985
Type of Institution: Research Institution
Courses Offered: Doctorate Programmes
Ph.D. (Sociology)
Name of the College: Dalmia Center for Research & Development
Address of the College: B-133,134, Paripoorana Estates, Sundakkamuthur Post, Coimbatore - 641 010, Tamil Nadu
Phone(s): 0422-2605216, 2607688 Fax(s): 0422-2607688
EMail: Website:
Year of Establishment: 1990
Type of Institution: Research Institution
Courses Offered: Doctorate Programmes
Ph.D. (Plant Biotechnology)
Name of the College: Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences
Address of the College: Delhi Cantt , New Delhi - 110 010
Type of Institution: Research Institution
Courses Offered: Doctorate Programmes
Ph.D. (Physiology and Allied Sciences)
Name of the College: Defence Research & Development Establishment
Address of the College: Government of India, Ministry of Defence, Janshi Road, Gwalior - 474 002
Type of Institution: Research Institution
Courses Offered: Doctorate Programmes
Ph.D. (Biological Sciences)
Ph.D. (Chemical Sciences)
Name of the College: Indian Institute of Spices Research.
Address of the College: P.O. Box 1701, Marikunnu (PO), Calicut - 673 012 , Kerala
Phone(s): 0495-2731410, 2731753 Fax(s): 0495-2730294
EMail: Website:
Year of Establishment: 1976
Type of Institution: Research Institution
Courses Offered: Doctorate Programmes
Ph.D. (Botany - Plant Biology & Bio-Technology)
Name of the College: Institute for Forest Genetic and Tree Breeding
Address of the College: Coimbatore - 641 002 , Tamil Nadu
Type of Institution: Research Institution
Courses Offered: Doctorate Programmes
Ph.D. (Entomology)
Ph.D. (Systematic Botany)
Name of the College: Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS)
Address of the College: DRDO, Brig. SK Mazumdar Road, Delhi - 110 054
Phone(s): 011-23942418, 23914377 Fax(s): 011-23919509
EMail: Website:
Year of Establishment: 1961
Type of Institution: Research Institution
Courses Offered: Doctorate Programmes
Ph.D. (Chemistry)
Ph.D. (Environmental Science)
Ph.D. (Physics)
Ph.D. (Psychology)
Ph.D. (Zoology - Animal Science & Bio-Technology)
Research Programmes - M.Phil. (Psychology)
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